Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2026
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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2026
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Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2027
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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2027
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Under Construction
Shareholders’ Meeting
In the shareholder’s meeting of 2025, the Board of Directors has appointed the Company’s secretary to inform the shareholders through Stock Exchange of Thailand and Company’s investor relations website that the shareholders can request for additional meeting agenda, nomination of candidate for the post of managing director, as well as the advance inquiry. The Company’s directors allow any inquiry to be submitted from September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2024 directly to Company’s secretary, investor relation division, or through website, by proposing the meeting agenda, and name of person for the position as directors at least 3 months prior to the last date of the fiscal year.
However, there was no shareholder who requested additional meeting agenda, nomination of candidate for the managerial position. For the advance inquiry, the Company has allowed the acceptance of inquiry till the day of shareholders’ meeting.
And in the shareholder’s meeting of 2025, the Board of Directors has specified the date of request from September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2024, which can be requested directly to Company’s secretary, investor relation division, or through website, by proposing the meeting agenda, and name of person for the position as Directors at least 3 months prior to the last date of the fiscal year and the Company have illustrated the principles and methods used on the website of investor relations since September 30, 2024.
However, there was no shareholder who requested additional meeting agenda, nomination of candidate for the managerial position. For the advance inquiry, the Company has allowed the acceptance of inquiry till the day of shareholders’ meeting.
Delivery of the Annual General meeting invitation documents
In the shareholders’ meeting, the Board of Directors has placed priority to the Shareholder’s right, by sending the meeting invitation letter with meeting details, objectives and reasons, along with the Committees’ opinion to consider the noteworthiness of inquiry, the positive and negative effect in each period of meeting, authorization letter, and name of independent Director(s) together with advise in authorization paper that allow shareholder choices to choose someone to represent them in the Shareholder’s meeting. This includes the map of the place for meeting for shareholders. and also announced through company website for a minimum of 3 consecutive days, and 3 days before the meeting day, to allow time for alarming shareholders of the incoming meeting. It must be noted that for the general shareholders’ meeting in 2025, the Company will openly post an invitation message, one report for 2025 and all related documents in Thai and English version be fully released calling for a shareholders’ meeting on the Company’s website over 30 days in advance., and invitation message to shareholders via stock registrar in advance no less than 21 days.
Date of Shareholders’ Meeting and Meeting Procedure
The Company attempted to improve the process of shareholders’ meeting to ensure the suitability consistently, particularly after 2005 onward. It adheres to the principle that every shareholder should have equal opportunity in receiving the information and also equal chance for shareholders’ right, including the right to voice opinion or to offer suggestions that are beneficial to the Company.
To register for the meeting, the Company will allow registration for at least 2 hours prior to the
beginning of actual meeting and continue to do so until the meeting is over a regular practice since 2005. In addition to that, the Board of Directors will also seek to serve the shareholders with the staffs and adequate number of computer. In the general shareholders’ meeting 2007, the Company, for the first time, started using a barcode system for registration purposes to facilitate the shareholders, as well as an arrangement to print voting cards in each meeting agenda for every shareholder.
The Company prepared staff to serve shareholders in acquiring information and serve the query points. Moreover, a welcoming meal is organized for attended shareholders. The Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2025 was convened in Meeting Room 11A, Interlink Tower 9th Floor. (originally Nation Tower). The Company reserved sufficient parking space for the shareholders and provided maps with information about public transportation that was attached to the invitation letter.
For those shareholders who were available to attend the meeting by themselves, the Company allowed the shareholders to authorize an independent Director for at least 1 individual or the Company’s secretary to attend the meeting and vote in representation.
Prior to the meeting, the Company played a DVR introducing the Company history, its annual operating results to all shareholders to learn about the Company information before the start of the meeting. There was also another video presentation about the promotion of the corporate governance related to shareholder’s meetings of listed companies. Before the meeting really begins, the Chairman will explain the method of voting and counting. The counting of votes will be illustrated and the results of every step in the meeting room will also be summarized. In case the shareholders cannot attend the meeting, the Company allows the shareholder to authorize someone, independent Director (s)or Company’s secretary representing them in the meeting.During the meeting, the Company provides adequate time and allows a fair chance for shareholders to ask questions. The Directors who are related to that question, particularly Chairman of auditor Committee, Chairman of Committee and Managing Directors, including the high-level executives in the area of accounting, finance, internal audit and accounting audit to attend the meeting at the same time to answer some of the questions in the meeting. The Chairman will moderate the meeting according to the scheduled meeting agenda. But such meeting will not allow an un-announced meeting agenda, with the total time of 2 hours and a half or more.
The Board of Directors put the emphasis on attendance of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting in order to receive questions and feedbacks. In the Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2025, 9 out of 10 (90%) directors attended the meeting. However, Acting Chairman of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, and Chairman of every subcommittee attended the meeting.The Company’s executives in accounting, finance, internal auditor and auditors were also in attendance to answer questions of the shareholders. In addition, the Company invited a neutral auditor, Mr. Somjit Kanokseriwong from Chuan and Associates Law Office to supervise the vote counting.
The significant agendas for shareholders’ meeting are as follows:
In the voting, the shareholders used voting cards to vote deploying barcode systems to count vote more rapidly and efficiently. The Company will collect the voting card only in case there are shareholders who vote against or abstain from voting, but for the Board of Directors’ election, to be in line with the best practice of shareholders’ meeting, the Company collected the voting cards from the each of the participated shareholders and voting of Directors will be voting for each Director. Moreover, the Company has requested a law consultant to join the vote counting procedure and confirmed the result with accuracy, transparency, and in accordance with the Company’s regulation. For the result of voting in each agenda, the Company immediately announced the result of the vote in each agenda of each shareholder’s resolution regardless of whether the vote result shows on the outcome of agree, disagree, abstention and invalid ballot immediately.
After the meeting, the Board of Directors will allow chance for shareholders, analysts and general investors to answer to the inquiry, by having the Chairman, Sub-committee chairman, managing director, and senior executives in accounting and finance to jointly answer. However, in replying to the inquiry, the Board of Directors will adhere to the equal opportunity to the Company’s information.
After the meeting day
The Company’s directors assigned the secretary to disclose resolutions and voting results from the shareholders meetings on the day after through The Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Company’s website. During the shareholders meeting, the company’s secretary has recorded important questions, and remarks from the meeting, counting votes and concluding resolutions. The number of votes for each agenda is clearly recorded which agree, disagree abstention and invalid ballot. Shareholders meeting reports along with pictures and audio records will be posted on the Company’s website Investor Relations (, within 14 days from the meeting date.
Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
The Company’s Board of Directors is aware of the equal and just treatment to all shareholders.
Items that may have conflict of interest: The Company’s Board of Directors carefully monitor to avoid any conflict of interest that may arise and also look into the related items, by stipulating in the policy and steps of approval for each item in written notice. Moreover, the Audit Committee proposes to the Company regarding the items that could cause conflict of interest. The Company’s Board of Directors has been particularly careful when consideration is made, in accordance with criteria stipulated by stock exchange through the determination of price and condition as if such items are dealt with the outsiders (Fair and at Arms’ Length) and disclose the inter-related items which are significant, item value, counterparty, reason/necessity in annual report and annual information disclosure report.
The Board of Directors approved the principles and suggestion of Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance with the Section 89/12 (1) of Securities and Exchange Act (No.4) B.E. 2551 to allow the company management to enter in to any business transaction between the Company and its subsidiaries and directors, executives or related persons. The transaction with the same commercial terms as those an ordinary person would agree with any unrelated counterparty under the similar circumstances, on the basis of business negotiation which is without any influences directly resulted from the company’s positions of director, executive, or related person. However, the Board of Directors has assigned the Audit Committee the task to present the items which may pose a conflict of interest and any related items for the transaction over 2 million Baht per quarter and reports it directly to the Board of Directors to acknowledge in a quarterly basis.
In the meeting of Board of Directors, should the Directors have interest in the decision, the Chairman of the Board will request for Directors to abide to the regulation and have the Director informed to the meeting and is asked not to vote or voice opinion for the matter.
Supervision on the of insider information: The monitoring of policy and measures are in written format with respect to the Good Corporate Governance and handbook for the Board of Directors which has already been discussed in the Board and Executive meeting. The top management of the Company have also been informed about the announcement of Securities and Exchange Commission which stated that the management (including the spouse and minor children – or, in other words, not yet 20 years of age) must report the change of stock ownership to the Securities and Exchange Commission as stipulated in the law called Securities and Exchange Commission Act B.E. 2535 in the section 59 within 3 days after the change of ownership of Securities taken place, and also report to the Company’s secretary to report to the Board of Directors for acknowledgement. Moreover, the management in the meeting has also been informed about the penalty imposed upon those who violate the laws.
The Company has the policy that sets the guideline for the practice of Good Corporate Governance, ethical practices of the Board of Directors, including the regulation that prohibit the staff from taking the Company’s document or information for personal use, or bring outside the Company, without asking for permission. This also includes exposure of financial documents or other related documents for outsiders, and also prohibits the trading activity within 1 month prior to public release of financial information. If done so, the act can be considered ‘misconduct’ to the Company’s rule of conducts. Should the management or staff violate such rules of conduct, the penalty can be ranged from warning, fine, work suspension, work without pay or job termination.