Anti-Corruption Policy
SE-EDUCATION Public Company Limited has intention to operate its business transparently and legally in order to be one of the exemplar companies in Thailand. To align with corporate governance (CG), the Company pledged not to participate or support any kinds of corruption. Further, the Company not only supports every employee to live and behave legally as a good citizen of Thailand, but also supports its business partners to operate their businesses transparently and legally. By this, the Company created the network of cooperation in industrial level to develop business procedures transparently and legally. Since the Company is truly aware that corruption is the great obstacle in developing the country and national security, its anti-corruption policy in writing is launched to be guidance in its operating businesses.
Anti-Corruption Policy
The Directors and employees of the Company are prohibited to engage in any kinds or any forms of corruption in every business activities both directly and indirectly. In case of charity, business gifts exchange or sponsor, the Company must operate it transparently without intentions to exchange of reciprocal benefits or to convince the government officers or private units to operate inappropriately. By this, the Company has thoroughly defined the procedures against corruption with a mean to regularly review these procedures in order to be consistent with changes in business, rules, regulations, and law.
Anti-Corruption Operation
The Company gives emphasis on carrying out the anti-corruption policy. In 2012 the Company avowed to join the Collective Action Coalition against Corruption (CAC) and always sends its staff to join the anti-corruption trainings in order to improve the knowledge about the issue, and the Company was certified to be a member of the Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against Corruption Council as of August 18, 2017 by the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)
In 2021, the Company renewed of a member of the Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against
Corruption Council as of June 30, 2021, the Punishment Measure is also strictly implemented against the executives and the employees involving in internal fraud, bribery, and corruption. In addition, the Fraud and Corruption Assessment is annually conducted and the result is presented to the Audit Committee and the board committee respectively. The principles are also emphasized through training and meetings to ensure that every employee is aware of the importance of honesty.
In addition, the Board of Directors also determines the communication channel with the independent
Directors via postal mail or email to permit reporting channels and suggestions so that instruction on the information examination process can be made.
For the report on any illegal activity
Registered mails Independent Directors, SE-EDUCATION Public Co., Ltd.
1858/87-90, Interlink Tower Bangna Building, 19th Floor,
Debaratna Road, Bangna Tai, Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand. Zip code 10260